The Andhra Pradesh State Coop Bank Limited THE GUNTUR DIST CO OP CENTRAL BANK LTD TADIKONDA IFSC Code, MICR Code, Contact No. - Guntur, Andhra Pradesh

The Andhra Pradesh State Coop Bank Limited THE GUNTUR DIST CO OP CENTRAL BANK LTD TADIKONDA Branch IFSC Code, MICR Code (Guntur, Andhra Pradesh). IFSC code is used for NEFT, IMPS and RTGS Transactions.

IFSC Code, MICR Code, Contact No. of The Andhra Pradesh State Coop Bank Limited THE GUNTUR DIST CO OP CENTRAL BANK LTD TADIKONDA - Guntur, Andhra Pradesh

IFSC Code:APBL0007038
MICR Code:522635587
Branch Code:007038 (Last six characters of IFSC Code represent Branch code)
State:Andhra Pradesh
Contact No.:9703918503

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The Andhra Pradesh State Coop Bank Limited IFSC Code is APBL0007038, MICR Code is 522635587, Branch Code is 007038 which is last six characters of IFSC Code, Branch name is THE GUNTUR DIST CO OP CENTRAL BANK LTD TADIKONDA located in D NO 12 34 BESIDE V M THEATRE MAIN ROAD TADIKONDA 522237, TADIKONDA, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, Contact no. is 9703918503. IFSC code is used for NEFT, IMPS and RTGS Transactions.

Other The Andhra Pradesh State Coop Bank Limited Branches at Guntur, Andhra Pradesh

Select branch to view IFSC Code, MICR Code, Contact No. and Address

What is IFSC Code?

IFSC code is an alphanumeric code stands for Indian Financial System Code, which is uniquely assigned to each bank branch for the main three payment and settlement systems in India:

  1. National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT)
  2. Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS)
  3. Immediate Payment Service (IMPS)

IFSC code is represented by 11 digit character, the first 4 characters of the IFSC code represent the name of the bank, the fifth character is 0 reserved for future use, the last 6 numbers represent the branch code of the bank. The very common use of the IFSC Code is to transfer fund using Internet Banking.

What is MICR Code?

MICR code is short for Magnetic Ink Character Recognition Code is a 9-digit code that identifies the city, bank, and branch, which is found at the bottom of the cheque. With a special machine, MICR codes help faster processing of cheques. MICR code is consists of 3 parts:

  1. The first 3 digits represent the city code, this code is aligned with the PIN code we use for a postal address in India.
  2. The next 3 digits represent the bank code.
  3. The last 3 digits represent the branch code.